finally have time to sit n write again...
lots has happen since i last typed ere... n i mean LOTS!!!
d main thing tat happened wuz my treasure... it took me long to find it... took me ages to open it... n when i did... i lost it... it all happened in a blink of an eye...
i was enjoying tat very treasure of mine... sharing evryday n evrything wit it... thinkin tat it will be mine for a long time... but i wuz wrong... tat treasure started to fade... i didnt even know it... tilll... it all fell rite infront of me... dissapeared when i tried to grab it bac... it was all like a dream... a very sweet dream i must add... but... it wasnt real... a pinch on my hand n it was all washed away... why? i tend to ask myself tat too... a mystery... tatz wat i call it... my mysterious treasure... lost... hoping to find it bac again sumday... wether it was a dream or will it come true again... only time will tell... n i'm certainly hoping for the best...